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사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
293 Comparison of cellular metabolic responses of 18F-FDG according to the effect of B-irradiation in p53 wild and deleted cell lines 정혜경, 천기정 외 CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS 2007-10-01
292 Protocol for freeze-drying method 김천호 외 Manuals In Biomedical Research 2007-10-01
291 Increase in the biocompatibility of the neutralzed chitosan dermal scaffold by reconstruction of wound healing microenvironment : in vitro study 김천호, 윤용하, 손영숙 외 KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2007-10-01
290 The optimal conditions to improve retrovirus-mediated transduction efficiency to NIH 3T3 cells 이준아, 이준아 외 Korean Journal of Pediatrics (대한소아과학회지) 2007-09-30
289 Activation of mTOR signaling pathway in breast cancer and its correlation with other clinicopathologic variables 노우철 외 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 2007-09-06
288 Chondrosarcoma of pelvis following internal pelvectomy : functional and oncologic results 전대근, 전대근 외 대한 정형외과 학회지 2007-09-05
287 Physiochemical properties and biocompatibility of chitosan derivatives with anioic groups 김천호 외 Advances in chitin science 2007-09-01
286 Fine needle aspiration cytology of mammary granular cell tumor : A case Report 정수영, 고재수 외 대한세포병리학회지 2007-09-01
285 조직공학에서 키토산의 활용 박상준, 김천호 외 재생의학조직공학회지 2007-09-01
284 20kHz 전자파의 생체영향 평가 이해준, 이윤실 외 전자파기술 2007-09-01
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