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사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
1471 Elimination of reprogrmming transgenes facilitates the differentiation potential of iPS cells into hepatocyte-like cells and hepatic organoids 이승범, 최동호 Biology 2022-03-23
1470 Evaluation of RF Shielding materials to improve MR image of Hybrid PET/MRI 최용 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2022-03-22
1469 Development of Total Lymphoid Irradiation (TLI)-Dedicated Shielding and Image-Guided System and Dose Evaluation Using 3D-Printed Rat Phantom 안소현, 박광우 Frontier in Veterinary Science 2022-03-18
1468 Development of blue-colored Mg2Si-based recycled alloys by using scrap metals 김기범 Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 2022-03-16
1467 Developmental complex trauma induces weaken the in vivo serotonergic and dopaminergic system in amygdala-mPFC circuit 최재용 Biochemical and Biophysical Rearch Communications 2022-03-16
1466 PI3Kδ/γ inhibitor BR101801 extrinsically potentiates effector CD8+ T cell-dependent anti-tumor immunity and abscopal effect following local irradiation 김태진, 김재성 Journal of ImmunoTherapy of Cance 2022-03-14
1465 Sensitive and specific capture of polystyrene and polypropylene microplastics using engineered peptide biosensors 김한구, 최종훈 RSC Advances 2022-03-08
1464 3D printing of cell-laden visible light curable glycol chitosan bioink for bone tissue engineering 전흥재 Carbohydrate Polymer 2022-03-08
1463 Editorial: The genetic and epigenetic bases of cellular response to ionizing radiation 성기문, Giovanni Cenci Frontiers in Genetics 2022-03-04
1462 PCW-1001, a novel pyrazole derivative, exerts antitumor and radio-sensitizing activities in breast cancer 김재성 Frontiers in oncology 2022-03-01
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