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혁신적 암치료를 선도하는 세계 방사선의학의 중심, 한국원자력의학원

사업실명제 결과 조회 - 번호, 년도, 사업명, 담당부서, 파일, 등록일, 조회수 를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
번호 논문제목 저자 학술지 게재일
1431 Monte Carlo simulation of whole-body counting measurement to estimate the counting efficiency considering the physical characteristics of individual 박민석 외 Nuclear Engineering and Technology 2021-12-01
1430 Synergistic radiosensitizing effect of BR101801, a specific DNA-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, in various human solid cancer cells and xenografts 이재희 외 American Journal of Cancer Research 2021-11-30
1429 Highlights of the Current Safety Regulation for Radiation Emergency Medicine in Korea 최유연 외 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health 2021-11-26
1428 Low-dose PET imaging of tumor in lung and liver region using internal motion estimation 우상근 외 diagnostics 2021-11-18
1427 Non-cancer disease prevalence and association with occupational radiation exposure among Korean radiation workers 박수진 외 Scientific Reports 2021-11-17
1426 Estimation of the historical radiation dose of Korean radiation workers, 1961-1983 김지영 외 Journal of Radiological Protection 2021-11-11
1425 Cell-Type Continuous Electromagnetic Radiation System Generating Millimeter Waves for Active Denial System Applications 김민호 외 Defence Technology 2021-11-03
1424 Metallothionein 2 restoration by pravastatin reinforces epithelial integrity and ameliorates radiation-induced enteropathy 곽서영 외 Ebiomedicine 2021-11-01
1423 Suture fiber reinforcement of 3D printed gelatin scaffold for its potential application as a soft tissue engineering 최동진 외 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021-11-01
1422 Image-Based Evaluation of Irradiation Effects in Brain Tissues by Measuring Absolute Electrical Conductivity Using MRI 박지애 외 Cancers 2021-10-31
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